Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fun but Busy Weekend

I am so glad the yardsale is over!  We had beautiful weather this weekend, all we needed was more customers.  I loaded up all that was left and dropped it off at Goodwill.  I was determined that the clutter was not going to come back in the house.

We started off with a sleepover with Super Granny.  We love to have her over.  Bright and early Friday morning my Aunt came over with her "treasures".  We had a lot of fun.  She taught my "little farmers" how to latchhook.  They sat for hours and latch hooked a santa rug.  I had time to quilt a few autumn splendor leaf blocks and best of all Super Granny and my Aunt made me a scarecrow for my garden.  I love it!

The other highlight of the week was that I witnessed an egg being laid by Gladys, our little white frizzle hen.


  1. Hi Jill! Thanks for saying hello! It's so nice to "meet" you. It sounds like you are one busy lady! I am not very "crafty" and I've never canned anything in my life, though I've wanted to learn. I envy those with talents like yours. I hope you have a great school year - I was sad to see the summer end, too! :)
